AEROSMITH Frontman Discusses Lead Singer's Disorder

April 9, 2007, 17 years ago

news rock hard aerosmith

According to Daniel Zugna from AEROSMITH frontman Steve Tyler has discussed the crippling affliction known as Lead Singer's Disorder.

Lead Singer's Disorder, or LSD, is the result of disproportionate attention placed on the lead singer in a rock band. Speaking to 'Mojo' magazine, Tyler explained his ongoing battle with the condition, and how it has affected his relationship with Aerosmith bassist Tom Hamilton.

"You know, I go out into the street and everyone comes over and asks me for my autograph, but they don't go over to Tom," Tyler said. "And his wife hates me (for it). What the fuck's up with that? It's not my fault. I've got lead singer's disorder – LSD as Jimmy Page (ex-LED ZEPPELIN) puts it."

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