AEROSMITH Guitarist Joe Perry On Toronto On-Stage Steven Tyler Hipcheck - "I Was Also Standing On The Edge; It’s A Contact Sport"

September 4, 2010, 13 years ago

news rock hard aerosmith

Brad Wheeler at Canada's Globe And Mail recently caught up with AEROSMITH frontman Steven Tyler and guitarist Joe Perryin in separate interviews to discuss a number of topics, including the infamous on-stage Perry / Tyler hipcheck in Toronto on August 17th. An excerpt is available below.

Q: What really happened that night in Toronto, when the floppy-hatted frontman was toppled off the catwalk by the hip-checking guitarist?

Tyler: "I had bumped into Joe. I kind of strafe him – that’s what we do night after night. We’ve done it for 40 years. In return, he gave me a hit that I feel was a bit out of place. Facing forward, I was able to jump off and grab peoples’ shoulders, and it was fine. I got right back up. I don’t know what he was thinking. He’s Joe Perry."

Perry: "If you watch the film, he backed into me hard. And I was also standing on the edge. All I did was brush against him. Basically he had a choice: He could have kept his balance and not gone into the audience, or he could have dropped in, which he did. None of it was planned – it’s a contact sport. The week before, he hit me over the head with a mic stand. But did you read anything about that?"

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In another interview, Perry said he doesn't expect an American Idol announcement regarding singer Steven Tyler to affect the current tour, set to end September 16 in Vancouver, British Columbia.

"I think everybody's a little worn out," he tells Paul Clark from . "The tour is winding up, and we don't know when we'll work again as band. That part of it is up in the air, and it's starting to hit home."

When asked about the Toronto show where Perry responded to a hip-bump from Tyler with a thrust of his own that sent the singer head-first into the crowd, Perry explains: "He came up from behind, and I didn't know where he was. He gave me a hip check and I did everything I could to stay on the stage. Then when I was walking back, I brushed by him. I think he had a choice - he could've stayed on stage but he saw 20 or 30 fans waiting to catch him. It looks like he tried to pull me back. Everything happened so fast. It was typical Aerosmith mumbo jumbo."

Read the entire interview here.

(Photo courtesy of The Globe And Mail)

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