AMON AMARTH Guitarist Olavi Mikkonen - "Touring, Touring, Touring... That's The Key"

November 6, 2009, 14 years ago

hot flashes news amon amarth has issued an interview with AMON AMARTH guitarist Olavi Mikkonen. The following is an excerpt:

Q: A lot of bands outside America find it difficult to break over there. How hard does a band such as yourselves have to work to crack the US market?

A: "You know, America is such a big country and you have to just keep on touring. 'Cause the music we do, we don't really get that much help from radio or other media, so the only way to actually reach out is touring. And basically that's what we've been doing. I think we have in total like 11 tours in the US. We've been lucky, we've been getting great support tours to reach out to new audience(s) and it's just more or less touring. Touring, touring, touring! That's the key. We were opening for CHILDREN OF BODOM, we did Sounds of the Underground, stuff like that."

Read the full interview at this location.

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