May 23, 2009, 15 years ago

hot flashes news perdition temple angelcorpse

Guitarist Gene Palubicki from US death metallers ANGELCORPSE has issued the following update:

"Anyone wondering what might lie ahead for some of us after the Angelcorpse disbanding? Well, from my side all the music that I've written, some of it written over five years ago now, will find it's home under the new moniker PERDITION TEMPLE. Musically, it is everything that has been previously intended for all forthcoming Angelcorpse releases. Currently label negotiations are underway for the debut release of either an EP or possible full length. The current line-up is myself on guitars/bass and Terry "Warhead" on drums. A search for an appropriately bestial vocalist has begun also. Things ARE moving swiftly, as a logo has already been created by longtime black/death metal artist Christophe Moyen, which can be seen shortly on his webpage. More info will follow when an official Perdition Temple MySpace page is set up."

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