ANNIHILATOR Mainman Says 70000 Tons Of Metal Cruise Was A "Life-Altering Experience"

January 28, 2012, 12 years ago

hot flashes news annihilator

ANNIHILATOR mainman Jeff Waters has issued the following update:

"OK, back from the 70000 Tons Of Metal cruise from Miami to the Grand Cayman Islands. There really are no words to describe it. You had to be there. Annihilator had a few kick-ass shows in the main Theater and on the killer Pool Deck... under the stars and in the heat! All the people on the ship, crew, bands, fans, staff were amazing. Guitar clinic was the funnest one I've ever done... a packed ve...nue (the mega-Karaoke bar!) and the funniest time ever. Canadians rule! Speaking of Karaoke, Dave Padden rules. The best. Alexi Laiho and I sang 'Turbo Lover' together and we sucked.. but it was fun! Sheryl and I rocked BRYAN ADAMS' 'Summer Of 69'… hahaaha! Anytime, Sheryl! After all the bands played, we hung out in that Karaoke bar and it was fkn killer. I could live there... no need to do anything else! Basketball, rock climbing, Strawberry VIRGIN Daiquiri's til 8 am every morning. (sick as a dog from all the sugar!!!) The band that surprised me was KATAKLYSM. I had heard a few songs before and knew they were Canadian, but never bought their music. Now I will. They didn't have many people at their Pool Deck show but it SHOULD HAVE BEEN PACKED. They were, to me, the best band there. MASSIVE, powerful riffing and super pro onstage. Overkill rocked, but they always do. Good to see and hang out with the boys again!

Alexi rocks. Not more to say, Especially the rap outfits. I think he has some pics of me that will shock all. Thanks to Andy Pillar for inviting us and we will do anything to get back on there next year... not with Annihilator (cause we just played!) but as fans. If you get a chance to go to this thing... GO! LIFE-ALTERING EXPERIENCE... Some of the people I met there were WOWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!! (Tractor Beam!!).

BTW, Annihilator rocked. Any of you who went can tell me how it went... but, judging from the size of the crowds and the reaction (my ears ringing), I think we rocked the boat."

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