May 17, 2010, 14 years ago

anthrax hot flashes armored saint falconer ronnie james dio news

ANTHRAX singer Joey Belladonna, bassist Joey Vera (ARMORED SAINT/FATES WARNING) and FALCONER guitarist Stefan Weinerhall have offered the following thoughts on the passing of legendary singer RONNIE JAMES DIO (DIO, BLACK SABBATH, HEAVEN & HELL, RAINBOW, ELF) who lost his battle with stomach cancer yesterday (May 16th) at 7:45 AM PST at the age of 67:

Joey Vera: "His name shall be part of the very definition of the term Heavy Metal. All of us in this community owe a big part to him as he helped shape our entire genre. And he did it with complete originality and sincerity. He is the real deal.

By now you’ve read much about him and how every person who’d had the pleasure of meeting the man, use the words 'kind', 'nice', 'humble' and so on. I can tell you that these descriptions are truly accurate.

I had the honor of being on tour with Dio on two occasions. Once on his Magica tour in 2001 while I was in Armored Saint and then later in 2004 while I was touring with Anthrax. I would watch Ronnie every night side stage and I was continuously blown away by his high level of performance. I must have seen over 40 shows from this vantage point and I never, ever saw or heard a single flaw. You always knew he was a great singer but It was then that I was convinced that he was a gift to us from some other place. Then there’s all the times I saw him with Sabbath. I can’t even go on……..

When you have the privilege of meeting someone like Ronnie, an idol, a legend, you almost expect a person like this to be overly confident, cocky, and they deserve to be really. But Ronnie was the complete opposite. He really was the most humble, sincere and kind person you’d ever meet. He would always find time to stop in his tracks and say a few words to you. He was so down to earth and generous.

Through his humility he’s taught us all that a man is not measured by the size of his wallet, or trophy collection, but instead by the size of his heart. I myself am glad that he chose the profession of singing because even though his body has been taken from us, his voice will stay here for all eternity.

We’re all trying really hard here, but Ronnie, we can’t thank you enough."

Joey Belladonna: "Ronnie was a big inspiration, influence and dear friend of mine. He was a true gentleman and kind hearted individual. He always would go out of his way to make you feel welcome and important. Without a doubt he was one of the best, top notch and a class act. I will truly miss him."

Stefan Weinerhall: "The No. 1 hero, idol, inspiration is gone! The man who were immortal! Without wanting to be one of all who see a chance to be heard now, I have to say that no other artist´s passing could have affected me in the way as his did.

All of a sudden the creative flame went out, not only because of his musical works but also for his humble ways and down to earth persona although he was the king. This from a man who never met him but allways will carry him with!! Your legacy will allways live on!!!!! R.I.P. Ronnie James GOD Dio."

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