AREA51 Vocalist Kate Cain - "I Wasn’t Expecting This Much Positive Reaction From Overseas"

July 7, 2011, 13 years ago

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Guitarist Yoichiro Ishino and vocalist Kate Cain of Japan's AREA51 are featured in a new interview, discussing their latest album, Goddess, and their future goals. An excerpt is available below:

Biting the bullet and filming a video for the song ‘Nightmare’ – with a script written by Kate – served to push Area51 further into the public eye in a big way. The band went from being an obscure entity to a recipient of touring requests – “Come and play (insert country here)! – via YouTube.

“I had the idea in my mind, although it was just a vague concept back then,” Ishino says of the clip. “The process of creating a music video was very challenging, but it’s absolutely effective for more exposure to potential listeners around the world, and it gave us a chance to explore how we should express ourselves. We’re very pleased with the way the video for ‘Nightmare’ came out. The video team was perfect, and we’d love to make the next one with them as soon as possible. That probably won’t happen until the next album, though. Our thoughts are already moving in that direction, and we already have several songs prepared.”

Kate: “Generally speaking, Yoichiro does all the composing including the melodies, and I do all the lyrics. I do make requests from time to time on what kind of song I would like to have, though. I tend to use abstract expressions to describe my feelings at a certain moment in the lyrics. There was a core theme when we were working on Daemonicus (2008), but we didn’t really have something like that for Goddess, to be honest.”

“When I first heard Yoichiro’s music, my impression was that he is definitely a perfectionist,” she says of their creative teamwork. “His detailed yet edgy sound didn’t seem to be geared towards a wide audience. That’s when I thought, maybe I can help influence the songs to make them more accessible, and give them a more popular sound. I thought I could help change things for the better, help elevate the songs to a higher level. I wasn’t expecting this much positive reaction from overseas, though.”

Go to this location for the complete story. Check out Area51's official Facebook page here.

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