ARISE AND RUIN Issue Album Update; Demo Track Posted Online

August 13, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news arise and ruin

Guelph's metal juggernaut ARISE AND RUIN (Victory Records) have issued the following update:

"So back in June we decided to demo some new songs with our buddy  Ian Blurton, you may know Ian from his work with CURSED, THE WEAKERTHANS or being the only man on earth to turn down a Jager endorsement!  Anyway the demos turned out so well that we had to upload a track for you dudes to hear or our heads were going to explode! This is raw, live off the floor, no cut and paste sound replaced quantized bullshit here - if you want illusions, check out the new season of Chris Angel Mind Freak, I'm sure you won't be dissipointed.

We are going to finish up all our currently scheduled dates and get into writing mode again, only this time things are different, the last year as been rough on us Ruiners and left us with a healthy dose of inspiration to fuel some of the most  aggressive music we have ever writen. We have been walked on, ignored,  lied to, made to feel worthless, watched friends call it quits, perservered through personal struggles, toured this continent endlessly and successfully killed another van!  None of this will ever slow us down, this is what we love and what we have dedicated our lives to!

So that's about it for now, we'll have more news on the new album soon and can't wait to get back out on the road, fuck we havent evn left yet!"

Head to this location to hear the demo tracks.

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