ARTIFICIAL BRAIN – Featuring Ex-BIOLICH Vocalist, REVOCATION Guitarist To Issue Debut In February; Streaming Song ‘Absorbing Black Ignition’

December 13, 2013, 10 years ago

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New York-based sci-fi death metal band ARTIFICIAL BRAIN, recently signed to Canadian metal giant Profound Lore Records, is set to infest the world of extreme metal.

Featuring REVOCATION guitarist Dan Gargiulo and ex-BIOLICH vocalist Will Smith, Artificial Brain deliver a devastating offering of atmospheric, dark, twisted and dissonant ambient death metal horror which harbors a heavy sci-fi aura surrounding its aesthetic. Labyrinth Constellation is the band’s debut album, after a series of demos which made their rounds within the death metal underground, and an album that will make quite the impression within the US. death metal scene.

Recorded, mixed, and mastered by Colin Marston (GORGUTS, DYSRHYTHMIA, KRALLICE) in the Thousand Caves, and with a glorious cover painted courtesy of the master Paolo Girardi, providing us with one of his finest works yet.

Labyrinth Constellation is set to be released on CD by Profound Lore Records this coming February, and soon after on vinyl via War On Music in late winter 2014.

Track ‘Absorbing Black Ignition’:

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