AXEMASTER Introduces New Lead Guitarst

July 11, 2016, 7 years ago

news axemaster heavy metal

AXEMASTER Introduces New Lead Guitarst

For the first time in the long history of Axemaster, the band has announced that they have added a second lead guitarist, Damin Bennett. He has fit in perfectly with the band and is already playing a major role in songwriting by creating unique guitar parts to go along with many of the existing riffs from both the band's new and old material. Damin's debut show is booked for July 29th at the Empire Concert Club in Akron, Ohio with Axemaster's Pure Steel label-mates Power Theory and Wretch. Check out Facebook for show details.

Guitarist Joe Sims commented on Damin's addition to the band's roster "It's one of the best things we've ever done as a band, right along with when we decided to add first Geoff (McGraw - vocalist) and then Denny (Archer - drummer). Damin is an amazing player who's really creative and provides a different and fresh perspective on all the tunes. Also, now that we are splitting all the leads and since his style is pretty different than mine, everything has a lot of extra diversity. Last and most importantly, he's a great guy and total professional who fits in with everyone like he was born to be a part of Axemaster! I hope the fans in the area will come out to our show on the 29th and see all this for themselves!"



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