BANG TANGO Frontman Joe LeSte On "Reunion" - "There Was No Attempt To Contact Me At All"

July 28, 2010, 13 years ago

news rock hard bang tango

Vocalist Joe LeSte is featurured in a new interview with discussing his former BANG TANGO bandmates' decision to reunite using a new frontman. An excerpt is available below.

Sleaze Roxx: I figured you wanted to talk about the announcement that your former bandmates are returning as BANG TANGO REDUX.

Joe LeSte: "My current guys were like, 'Don't you want to do an interview or say something?' But to be honest with you, I love those guys. Those guys are great and if they want to do some stuff then more power to them. I'm not the kind of guy who holds ill feeling towards anybody really. Those guys are magnificent musicians. The only fine line difference between us and them is that they quit in '94. I didn't ask them to leave, they quit. You spend the next 15 years of your life working hard to try and keep this fucker alive and then all of a sudden 15 years later -- 'Hey man we should do Bang Tango' -- it's kind of weird. It's kind of strange, but at the same time they have the right to play that stuff, they wrote it and played it. I wrote it, they played it... so go ahead, more power to you. Awesome."

Sleaze Roxx: When I talked to Mark Knight he said he tried to contact you for the 20 year reunion of Psycho Cafe.

Joe LeSte: "That's the problem right there. That's what is so funny because when I heard that I was like 'Wait a minute!' I went to my MySpace thing, went through it, going all the way back to last year or the year before. There was no attempt to contact me at all.

There was never an attempt to contact me, not once. The only time Mark Knight and I talked is the minute they saw me in Rolling Stone, they called me up and said, 'Wow, Rolling Stone, that's great'. But I didn't do the Rolling Stone interview because of those guys, I did it for what I've built and because of where I am right now... from building this thing and these people believed in me. It wasn't because of 15 years ago when those guys used to be in the band. I've got guys in the band right now who have been in Bang Tango longer than they were. My bass player Lance Eric has been with me for 8 years. Bang Tango was signed in '84 and they all quit. They all have great jobs, they've got families, they aren't really touring people.

But I love every one of them and I have nothing but great things to say about them and I think Mark Knight is one of the most brilliant guitar players, along with Kyle Stevens as well, and I'm a big WORRY BEADS fan. Unfortunately I never got any phone calls or email or anything. Nothing. That was the only thing that kind of bugged me, everything else is... let them do the shows, let them do their thing. They deserve it. If they feel that much passion for what they did in the past -- I don't know if it's the success they had in the past or whatever it is, but go ahead and do it. I'd be proud of what I've done -- I still am. So they have every right to do that. I'm going to be the last guy to say anything about it."

Sleaze Roxx: If the old band ever did get a hold of you for a reunion then you'd probably be up for it?

Joe LeSte: "Hell yeah I'd do a few shows. But my normal touring band have been doing this for years now. Say you were a writer for Rolling Stone, or whatever your normal job is, how would you feel if a member of your staff left... then you guys built your magazine up to a point where it is getting bigger and you hired guys who are doing their job and this guy is like 'now that it has got somewhere, I know it's been 15 years but I want my job back'. Put yourself in the position of the other guys. What am I going to do? Turn around and say, 'I know we traveled the world together for 10 years' -- which is almost twice as long as those guys were in the band -- and say, 'You're fired now, the other guys are back after they quit 15 years ago'. I can't do that. I don't have that in me. I'm not a mean person.

But if those guys ever want me to sing some songs or do some shows here and there I'd do it in a heartbeat."

Go to this location for the complete interview.

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