Bassist MIKE LEVINE On TRIUMPH's Canadian Music Hall Of Fame Induction: "There Wasn't A Dry Eye In The Room"

May 30, 2007, 17 years ago

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Classic Rock Revisited founder Jeb Wright caught up with TRIUMPH bassist Mike Levine to discuss the band's recent induction into the Canadian Music Hall Of Fame and look back on the band's career. The following is an excerpt from the extensive interview:

Jeb: You are in the top echelon of all Canadian bands now. That has to be an honor.

Mike: "I felt incredibly honored by it. At the same time, I knew it was going to be a real pain in the ass. I knew it would be like playing a home town gig. All of our family and friends want to be there for it. My publicist, Chip Ruggieri, was all over me telling me to do interviews. I was in beautiful Jamaica and I had to hop on a plane and do nothing but interviews for three weeks. That is just me griping. Overall it has been wonderful. The best thing about it is that Rik, Gil and I all got together."

Jeb: After discussing this with all parties I would have to say that Rik is the most apprehensive of the three.

Mike: "I think if you spoke to him now it would be a whole different story. We did interviews together for a full day before the ceremony and then we went out to dinner at a very nice restaurant with our agent from LA. People were looking at us like we were really weird because we were just killing ourselves laughing. We were on the floor with tears in our eyes. I thought they were going to ask us to leave."

Jeb: Was there a moment before the festivities that the three of you got together behind the scenes to test the waters?

Mike: "We got together in a coffee shop. The three of us sat there looking at each other thinking, 'Okay, who is going to talk first?' It was awkward to say the least. The coordinator for the Canadian Music Week was supposed to be there to help guide this along because we weren’t sure that we were going to do this. We sat down and Neal Dixon, the coordinator, showed up about a half hour late. We started talking about each others families and people we knew. Neal walked in and said, 'There is no blood on the floor and all three of you are still here. This is good news.' We decided that day that it was going to be a go and we decided to work it out and see what happens. Over the next couple of months we had some communication about things and how things were going to work. There was a lot of love in the room when we got the award. It was pretty scary. You are in front of your industry peers and fans came in from Boston and LA and all over. There were about 2,000 people at the luncheon. There was a big video presentation and then there were speeches. Ross Reynolds, who is the ex-Chairman of Universal Records in Canada, and Gary Slate, who just sold his radio stations for 1.3 billion dollars were the inductors. Gary gave a little speech and then they ran the video and he said, 'Come on up guys.' We got a standing ovation. I am fine but Gary, the inductor, is shaking like a leaf and balling his eyes out and giving me a hug. I started losing it and then Gil started losing it and Rik was losing. Thank God we got a five minute standing ‘O’ so we could get a hold of ourselves. It was pretty awesome. It was like being on stage again. You never think that you are actually that well liked. It was great. Randy Lennox, who is the President of Universal, came up to me afterward and told me, 'I have seen you work for twenty-five years and I have never seen such a display of pure emotion and pure business. There wasn't a dry eye in the room."

Jeb: The Holy Grail would still be to have the three of you play together.

Mike: "Who knows if that is in the cards? Every interview we did that question always came up. We are just getting back together and getting to know each other again so who knows?"

Jeb: How has time changed the relationship between the three of you?

Mike: "We went 17 years without speaking. A lot happens in that period of time. We talked about our families. All of our parents have passed away. We just caught up on life. We all agreed that there would be no sour grapes and that no one could bring up anything that happened in the past. We were hugging and holding hands and everything. It was pretty cool."

Go to this location to check out the entire interview.

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