December 16, 2006, 17 years ago

hot flashes news narnia beautiful sin rob rock

BEAUTIFUL SIN, featuring ex-MASTERPLAN/ex-HELLOWEEN drummer Uli Kusch and female singer Magali Luyten, have enlisted guitarist Carljohan Grimmark (ROB ROCK, NARNIA). As previously reported, Beautiful Sin have the following four songs from their debut album, The Unexpected, currently available for streaming on their

MySpace page: 'I'm Real', 'This Is Not The Original Dream', 'Lost' and 'Metalwaves'.

Helloween fans should note that the song 'Lost' is a reworked version of the 'The Departed (Sun Is Going Down)', which Kusch wrote for the band's 2000 album The Dark Ride. It features the same guitar riffs and structure with new lyrics and slightly altered vocal melodies. Beautiful Sin are currently writing for their second album, due out later next year.

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