BEHEMOTH - Nergal's "Provocative Behavior" On Stage With TIMES NEW ROMAN In Question

October 6, 2011, 12 years ago

news life in black times new roman behemoth

The following is a translation of a new article from Poland's

TVP President Julius Braun asked the producer of The Voice Of Poland for a detailed explanation of the behavior of Adam Darski (BEHEMOTH's Nergal) during recent performances of the band TIMES NEW ROMAN in Warsaw's clubs.

According to reports, the musicians appeared on stage in wheelchairs and in hospital pajamas, accompanied by nurses. The announcer said that they were unable to continue playing, unless they were healed. At this point, Nergal appeared on the stage pretending to be a clergyman, with a sash slung on on the back of his neck resembling a stole. He put his hands on the heads of the musicians, and those "healed" - got up and begun performing.

In a statement sent by Braun he wrote that the "provocative behavior, showing a lack of respect not only for religious beliefs, but also forsickness and disability" is considered to be unacceptable. He informed that he asked for clarification on this matter.

TVP (Polish Television) President pointed out that the ongoing edition of The Voice of Poland, scheduled for the autumn season this year, will be completed in the coming weeks. TVP spokeswoman Joanna Stempie?-Rogali?ska explained that it comes to November.

Questioned about why TVP just now decided to react to the behavior of Darski said that "Nergal" is guilty of "reprehensible behavior at a time when public television broadcasts a program from its participation as a juror, she explained that "the position on the participation in the Voice of Poland program by Darski was decided by the National Council of Radio and Television. She stated that the employment of "Nergal" as a juror in the music program TVP does not affect existing law, and analysis of previously issued episodes of The Voice of Poland does not give grounds for intervention.

The National Council of Radio and Television also stressed that issues relating to 'other agencies' activities of persons acting in radio and television programs, including morality, religion and offscreen professional activities not covered by the statutory powers of the National Broadcasting Council.

Simultaneously, the National Council asked the Board of Polish Television to take sensitivity of varied audiences into account when making programming decisions.

The story can be found at this location.

(Thanks: Dario Sycco)

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