BIF NAKED - Two Shows Announced For Alberta

April 19, 2010, 14 years ago

news rock hard bif naked

Canadian rocker Bif Naked has updated her schedule with two Alberta shows in July, in Bonnyville and Minnedosa respectively. It is now as follows:


29 - Kamloops Convention Centre - Kamloops, British Columbia


18 - Nakusp Music Fest - Nakusp, British Columbia
23 - Flint Field House - Bonnyville, Alberta
31 - Rockin’ the Fields - Minnedosa, Alberta

Bif recently issued the following update:

"I have amazing news to share! Looooook at what AWESOMENESS has manifested/come to be true! I am OVERJOYED to share with you my news about signing-on with The National Speakers Bureau .

As you can see, I have my very own 'speakers profile' and everything. I am STOKED! I have a couple things coming up, already, and I can’t wait to tell you more about what is coming up for spring. This is very exciting for me, personally, because I want to meet, talk to, and share with people. All people. I said to my pillow (whom I tell secrets to!). Just last year (after our speaking appearance in Edmonton, at the University of Alberta) that 'I wish THAT was my 'job’.' I loved it! I loveloveloved the mutuality and interactive sharing with everyone. As you know, this is what I am seeking.Connection. Deeper and more honest, really. I’m craving and yearning.

Yes. I did a death metal project.Yes, I made a house/techno record last year (more on that when I actually get mastering accomplished). And I am working on my book-project. The acoustic shows and, especially, the speaking appearances are what I am wanting to focus on this season. Maybe I will choreograph a modern dance or showtune? Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk!

I am in my creative time, I think. Things seem to flow like that don’t they? I love that!

Be your best selves and be your creative selves. Be happy. Be True. Be Awesome. With a big fat Shanti Om and Harekrishna, love + blessings to you!"




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