BIF "Screech" NAKED Checks In From The Road - "Excited And Anticipating Headbangin', Ripsnortin' Fun"

September 24, 2009, 15 years ago

hot flashes news naked bif

Canada's BIF NAKED has issued the following update:

"Namaste! Salaam! Howdydoo! Buenos Dias! And Yippie Tie-Yie-Yo from Alberta! Yeeehaw!

Yes, I am sending you my energy from The Road and I trust it finds you all surrounded by positivity and abundance. :)

I am at the tail end of a seven-hour-van drive (it's easier than a bus for these week-out-then-home-for-a-week-then-out-for-two-weeks-then-home-for-a-week tours). Last night I was off stage and in bed by 2:30 and up at 5am to shower+spackle before our departure. As I leave the venue immediately after the show, and the band stays to be Good Ambassadors and the crew stays to disassemble the stage, I’m only guessing they were up MUCH LATER than moi (and up just as early). Poor bastards! :(

But, MAN! Are they ever funny when they are underslept!

The van breakdown:

Jason drives. He wants to. Feels he may be 'more efficient' than others, skilled with Andretti-like control of the vehicle no matter the speed. Has only 'jacknifed' trailer once.

The General sits shotgun. Always. NO EXCEPTIONS. This is an unspoken and understood rule. I think it might be in The Bible. Maybe even the old Testament.

Christie (whom the band refers to as 'Sixteen' but I still don’t know why) sits in the first bench seat as she is advancing upcoming shows and talkin’ technical riders with promoters, etc.etc. She never gets to sleep. She never complains and is always smiling. Always.

Then there’s some combination of myself, Flav, and Jacen on the next seat. Flavio is very funny in the morning. As is Jacen. PLUS its likely they are functioning on verrrrrrry little sleep. The Diamond (Jimmy) almost always sleeps all morning on the very back bench seat. He likes sleeping very much. He looks like a young boy when he is sleeping. He does not snore. Well, not usually.

Then, last but not least: lil’ol moi. Morning Girl.

Today, based on my crazyhair, I was given a nickname of 'Screech' because I basically look just like that kid! Nice. LOL!

As you know, I am up earlier than everyone and I likeit this way. I don’t like being late for lobbycall (in fact I prefer to always be early for everything) plus, I’m fed + watered by the time I get there (I steal a banana from the band dressing room at every show, for the next mornin’s breakfast).

Today, the van-trailer pulled into a TimHorton’s for breakfast. I can’t really eat ONE SINGLE THING on their menu. (although the timbits look like the Indian dessert, Gulab Jamun, to me…not that I can eat that either. But I suuuuure did when I was a little kid!). The band + crew like the coffee from there and they get doughnuts sometimes. The General likes their chili. I guess we have a symbiotic system down. Like a little family.

Awwwwwwwww! *gush* that’s so cool, to me. I cherish the feeling. It makes my heart warm.

As we play these dates out here (and the dry, Alberta air thins the voice and clears the skin-but-chaps-our-delicate-Westcoast-lips) I am truly having such fun (like always) and I so enjoy the company of my band + crew-family. A bunch of good eggs.

I am enjoying seeing everyone at the shows and you are all very rambunctious and lovey. I fuckin LIVE for that!!!! The whole band does! Its what we work toward every day: that night’s gig. That time on stage erases every agonizing drive, every underslept headache, every homesickness, every hunger pang. YOU guys make it worth it. You are the present under everyday’s christmastree! You are the reward.

You. Thank you!

I’ve put that photo on top: it was taken right before we go on stage (I think THAT one was Calgary). We are horsin’ around. Excited and anticipating headbangin', ripsnortin' fun. Like I do every day. And I hope to see you there.

Be well and always be strong and soft at the same time. And remember to laugh at everything. If you can’t, just remember your friend, Screech with the crazyhair. I will laugh with you. And so will the band. :)

Om Nama Shivaya. Rock-n-fuckin-roll."

Love, Biffy


Bif's schedule is currently as follows:


25 - Campus Chaos 2009 - Edmonton, Alberta
26 - Wild Bill’s - Red Deer, Alberta
27 - Buds Bar & Lounge - Invermere, British Columbia

Check out BW&BK; scribe Carl Begai's May 2009 interview with Bif here.

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