BLACK STONE CHERRY Guitarist Answers Fans' Questions

February 22, 2007, 17 years ago

news rock hard black stone cherry

BLACK STONE CHERRY guitarist Ben Wells recently answered several questions submitted by fans to Roadrunner Records. The results are as follows:

Ben, you guys have been on tour with BLACK LABEL SOCIETY recently. That's a huge band to open up for. Did it make you guys nervous to know you were opening for the legendary Zakk Wylde & crew?

"Well, we are all BLS fans, so of course it was intimidating playing before a guitar God and Nick, JD, and Craig are all amazing musicians! But they took us in, and we had a blast!"

How did you get signed to Roadrunner?

"We first signed on with our management group who sent our demo out to a few labels, and Roadrunner responded fast so we did a private showcase for the label in NYC and the rest is history!"

Mr. Wells, your band's success has the momentum of a runaway freight train. Why are you so popular?

"Ha! Freight train, huh? I like it! We just try to be positive and we're always tryin' to top ourselves in performance and what we can do to get out there to the world! Plus, we're pretty nice guys."

I saw you guys play with BLS. Your show rocked! How long have you been playing together and what kind of rig are you rockin? Also, what's it like to be living the rock n roll dream, traveling and playing music?

"We had a blast with BLS! I think I was 8 and I have a few different rings. My parents got me a couple and a guy name Terry Dees from Arkansas (a dear friend to the band) makes us some fine jewelry! Touring is awesome... it's never old and we love playing in front of people! We're very lucky!"

I have seen you guys twice, got your CD which you signed. You guys are my new favorite band. I'm 31 from Louisville, KY... the graphic on the bass drum is your logo, it has more detail than the others I've seen. Can you send that to me so I can get a tattoo of it? It'll be my first tatoo btw. YOU ROCK!

"Ha! I'm not sure where the original is... well maybe I do... but it's the original! John Fred's Grandfather actually painted that on there! Rock on with the tattoo!"

I was just wondering how you guys get that nice Southern crunch tone. I love the tone you guys have on the album and I just wanted to see if you could tell me what effects and stuff you use?

"Thanks a lot! As far as tone, I use Peavey 6505 +, Chris uses Marshall, and Jon thumps the Ampegs!"

I have to ask as I am probably as old as your dad: did you get any inspiration from Blackfoot, the Screamin Cheetah Wheelies, or Cry of Love (a NC band from the '90s)? I ask this as most young southern bands always quote Skynyrd, Molly Hatchet as major influences. As a WV hillibilly I have found these bands to be left out of the mix. Anyway you guys really kick it out and I would like to thank you guys for giving me hope for the return of kick ass Southern rock!

"Our influences go all the way back to Robert Johnson! We have so many different genres and generations... and yes, some of those you mentioned did influence us!"

First of all... congrats on the super album you guys made! My question: What's it like for you guys to see people you know go really crazy on your music? Describe the feeling... I drum in two bands myself and I really have gained a lot more confidence seeing you guys having such a succes, because like every band, you also started out as a garage band.

"Thank you! We still freak out when people react to our songs man! When people are movin' and shakin' and singin' along... it totally moves us! That's what fuels our performance... and always will!"

What is the worst part about touring?

"Occasionally you'll get sick... and that's not fun! Going to a strange doctor... and not havin' your Mom take care of ya! Ha!"

Will Black Stone Cherry ever play outside of America, like Germany? I would love to see you guys performing at Rock Am Ring!

"We're actually going to Europe in March with our brothers, Hinder! And yes, we'll be hitting Germany four times I believe! Cannot wait!"

I really love your music, I heard a song on the Smackdown Vs Raw 2007 game and decided to check it out. Do you think with one of your songs in the game that will help you in the future?

"Hopefully! I think if people are touched by the song enough to put it in a video game, then it will carry us in the future!"

Ben - Kind of off the wall question... how have the ladies been treating you on the road? Any "Special" treatment from the girls?

"Ha... hmmm..."

Do you have any pets?

"Well, I live with six dogs on the road in a tour bus! Ha! My sister has two dogs who stay at our house a lot... so kinda!"

I'm 14 and have been playing guitar for four years, and want to get a band together. However, whenever I jam with people it always ends up as 15 minutes of playing then them saying "I'm bored" and going to play playstation. What would you say keeps you the most focused on your music?

"Brother, I went through the same thing until BSC started! If you feel it in you, then you gotta keep doin' it! If the people you're jammin' with aren't that into it, don't let that stop what you wanna do! I just kept my head up and I owe a lot of thanks to my supportive family!"

I've known John Fred since he was about five banging two drum sticks together in one of our Kentucky HeadHunter videos. I finally got to see their video on the Internet and I have become an instant fan. So I ordered a couple of copies of the CD. The band is tight and the message is good. Give my regards to John Fred and the rest of the boys and keep rockin'! Ricky Lee Phelps

"Thanks bro! I'll let him know!"

How long did it take to grow those golden blonde locks?

"I've had this hair for about 2 1/2 years maybe... well, I've been growin' it that long!"

Do you think that as Black Stone Cherry is gaining more poularity it will be harder for ya'll to stay so down-to-earth and spend time with fans?

"Absolutely not! Millions of album sales couldn't change the way we think. We will always be down-to-earth normal people. No matter what! We know our roots and won't forget 'em! That's why we ain't movin' from Kentucky!"

Where'd ya get that bad ass Elvis buckle?

"The Elvis buckle is one of many... I love it! I got it at a local music shop on tour in Michigan."

I love the new songs BSC released on the EP. What was the inspiration behind 'Big City Lights'? It's a beautiful song and the guitar just kicks ass.

"Thanks so much! 'Big City Lights' is one of those hopeless love songs that seems to touch a lot of people! That song is one of our favorites!"

I was wondering what is the weirdest thing that has happened to you guys since you have been on the road? Whats the craziest story?

"Hmm... craziest I probably can't say... there's always somethin' goin' on tho!"

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