BLAZE BAYLEY - New Road Report Available

March 16, 2009, 15 years ago

hot flashes news blaze bayley

BLAZE BAYLEY's MySpace has been updated with the following road report:

"So where were we...

Afraid there aren't any photos to go with this one either. It's not that we don't have any it's more that I am so tired on this day off that I will probably upload the wrong photos and you'll get images of the U-boats operating off Brazil rather than our tour.

Anyway... currently we are in Wroclaw, Poland, on a day off. We've had a great lunch, lots of beer and now time to catch up internet work. The last shows have been cool. Last time I wrote we were on our way to Switzerland. Well, we played in Worblaufen and it was bloody great. Really good time there and quite a few familiar faces. From there we bumbled over to Verviers in Belgium and a day off in a hotel. Unfortunately we had to say goodbye to our bus that needed a bit of maintenance, but fortunately our replacement bus arrived on cue. It was driven by driver/owner Steve Matthews and was absolutely bloody fantastic. I will post a link to his site soon. The bus was beautifully laid out and Steve a total diamond.

So we headed over to the Spirit of 66 for the show. Mario (drummer from RAIN) and I both agreed that we would rather use the house kit there rather than the hideous piece of shit we were dragging around. I may as well be playing Origami drums it is so feeble. Unfortunately I have not had the time to organise things with my excellent endorsers Mapex... next time.

But anyway... so we set up and had a great night. My Dutch mate Franky was there (ha ha ha ha!! Private joke really, as I kept calling him Dutch and he is actually Belgian. Now it may not sound funny to you, but for some reason it always makes me laugh... maybe you had to be there). I even found a picture of Thompson and Thompson from Tintin in the local McDonalds (NO!!!! I was not eating there!! I like their milk shakes but apart from that I would sooner eat my own foot) with which to demonstrate to our sound man that we have christened Thompson who he reminds us of. Which brings me to the issue of crew names. We have decided in light of recent events that we should only have crew or auxiliary members named Dave. We, of course, have Technical Dave from Z7 fame, we now have Deputy Dave (guitarist/bassist/fine bloke). Perhaps Thompson should become Roman Dave (as he comes from south of Rome). Anna, our UK tour manager can be female Dave.

Anyway, the gig was a cracker and then back on the bus to head onward to Ingolstadt, Germany. Now this, and the next one in Eastern Germany at Oelsnitz were a little sparsely populated, but the people that were there were great. the organisers at Oelsnitz were incredibly hospitable too. Thanks.

Then onwards to The Netherlands. First, Hengolo and then Tilburg, both great gigs.

So the tour rolls onwards. We're going to mess some more with the set and are alreeady working on stuff for the next album which is sounding spiffing indeed. The DVD business is nearly done and all in all... we're having a blast!"

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