BLOODSHOTEYE - New Album Details Revealed

March 22, 2009, 15 years ago

hot flashes news bloodshoteye

Ontario's BLOODSHOTEYE have issued the following update:

"What's up everyone just wanted to give you an update on what's going on in the BSE camp as of late. Jer (bass) left for Calgary in February and we were lucky enough to find a killer replacement right away, so steppin' up on bass duties now is Jay Lesperance from KILL LIST, SHOT DOWN STARS (RIP).

To anyone who's patiently been waiting for our follow up album to 2006's, An Unrelenting Assault, the wait is almost over!! We recorded in Windsor, ON at Spectre Sound Studio, where we recorded 2004's Without Any Remorse. The album is being mixed (as I type) by Chris Donaldson (CRYPTOPSY, THE AGONIST, THE PLASMARIFLE) and will be mastered by Pierre Rémillard (Cryptopsy, ION DISSONANCE, MISERY INDEX).

I know the 'thing to say' for bands putting out new albums is that this one is our most mature, heaviest, tightest, most brutal thing we've done to date. So I said it! and I mean it!! The vocals are straight up heavy as fuck! The drums are fast and tight as fuck! and we thought to ourselves what the fuck lets throw some rip, roarin' solos into the mix, so Jamie shredded with the best on this album! We hope to have it released by the summer on Galy Records, keep an eye out for updates and new tracks in the near future.

Expect The Unexpected tracklisting: 'Killing Time', 'There Will Be Blood', 'Better Off Dead', 'Fill The Graves', 'Critical Condition', 'Just Another Casualty', 'Columbian Necktie', 'Prophet Of Doom', 'The Slaughterhouse Romance'.

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