BURZUM Frontman Varg Vikernes - "I Don’t Say Something Just To Provoke, But I Do Provoke To Say Something"

March 8, 2011, 13 years ago

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Hellbound.ca recently caught up with BURZUM frontman Varg Vikernes to discuss the band's new album, Fallen, and a variety of other subjects. An excerpt is available below:

Q: Can you ever see a time when you are known as Varg Vikernes the musician without all of the back story, hype and baggage? Or do you think the two are now inextricably linked?

Vikernes: "They are probably inextricably linked, but I don’t think we should care too much about that. I think most bands are linked to pretty moronic and low-brow behavior, and I just killed a guy to keep my own (life) so… unlike most other musicians, I have nothing to be ashamed of. When it comes to the church fires I will simply ask you to talk about that to those who did it, and not to the person they blamed for their own crimes."

Q: Do you think people won’t accept you as just Varg the musician because they are waiting for an apology for past events and statements? In the United States people are often given second chances if they publicly express remorse or contrition.

Vikernes: "Well, I forgive them all for their ignorance. Men who defend their lives rarely have a habit of apologizing for doing so afterward. Do you really think I should apologize for killing a perverse self-proclaimed sodomite and devil worshiper with concrete plans to torture me to death, whilst filming the whole thing? I killed him when he attacked me. Sure, according to Norwegian law I went too far the moment he abandoned his murder-attempt and tried to flee instead, and I chased him down and slew him instead of running away like some coward, begging the useless police for help. Even his closest friends support me in this case. Sorry. You really need to wait forever if you ever expect an apology from me. I should be waiting for an apology from Norway, for her even by international standards criminal treatment of me."

Q: Your music is very popular among metal listeners in the United States. You’ve often criticized the country for things like overt materialism and suburban sprawl. Do you think people are seeking the ideas you put out or do you think they are attracted by your notoriety? Is it both?

Vikernes: "Well, I think you Americans focus too much on my criticism of the USA, but I guess that is normal – and perfectly okay. I also do hope that the wisest amongst you – and I happen to know there are many of them – understand what I am trying to say. I don’t say something just to provoke, but I do provoke to say something. It is hard for me to know what attracts Americans to Burzum, but I can only hope it’s their good taste and their enlightened and open mind that does."

Q: MAYHEM still continues playing to this day with a cobbled-together lineup featuring your old friends Attila Csihar and Hellhammer. Are you in touch with either of them and do you pay attention to what they are doing?

Vikernes: "Not really, but I guess I should. They deserve the attention. Unlike others in the scene, they have supported me from the start – possibly because they knew what a worthless individual this Euronymous character was."

Go to this location for the complete interview.

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