BYZANTINE Bassist Skip Cromer Calls It Quits

June 25, 2013, 11 years ago

hot flashes news byzantine

Skip Cromer, bassist for West Virginia's BYZANTINE, has checked in with the following announcement:

"I am writing this post to inform you that as of after the Sound Factory show this Friday, I will no longer be playing in Byzantine. I have in recent months become a Christian and I feel at this point in my life that I have another direction that I must go in. I would like to thank my brothers in Byzantine for the opportunity to play in, (my not so humble opinion), the best heavy metal band in the world. Through choosing me to fill the bass spot, I have seen more of the world than I ever thought I would. I have also had the privilege to be around some of the best musicians that have constantly pushed me to improve not only my skills as a musician but also as a business man and friend. I love you Oj, Tony, and Wolfe. You supporting in my decision means more to me than any song, any album, or any tour that we have worked on. I look forward to hearing what you crazy Rednecks come up with next. I was a fan before I joined Byz, and I am a fan still.

Next I would like to thank all the friends I have made during my time in Byzantine. Their are so many of you that to write all of you down here would take more room than I think Facebook will allow. You all have made such a impact on my life that to not recognize you in some way would be a disservice. I will however point to some key people. They are Aaron Fisher, Daniel Johnson (Logan County as a whole really) Anthony Lewis, Rod Lanham, Xack Padin, Jamie Rakes, Roadblock, and the Ojeda, Rohrbough, and Wolfe families as a whole. You all have stood out to me as supporters of this band in good times and bad. Much love to you as well.

Last but certainly not least, I want to thank all the fans. When I joined Byzantine, I was welcomed with open arms in the way that only West Virginia knows how. I felt as though I became an 'Honorary Redneck.' Without your continued support Byzantine, or any other band for that matter, would not be possible. I will remember the crazy nights and conversations that I have had with some of you and it is my hope that I will run into you in the future.

Please join me this Friday in celebrating the Sound Factory. I think it a very fitting finale to my time with Byzantine that my last night with them will be in my favorite club in Charleston. It will be a great time and there will be a couple of surprises. God bless you all. Montani Semper Liberi."

For information and updates on Byzantine go to this location.

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