CHAOSWEAVER - New Album In The Making

October 16, 2009, 14 years ago

hot flashes news chaosweaver

Helsinki, Finland-based death/black metallers CHAOSWEAVER have issued the following update from bassist/backing vocalist Max Power:

"A lot of people have been asking about our forthcoming album, so here comes the semi-official update on the current situation...

We've written tons of material, wickedest of which will make it on the record. Jack, Albert and I have been sweating in the studio whole week, working on the arrangements and recording some new riffs.

It's impossible to say at this point, what the end result will sound like, but the songs are VERY diverse, massive, beautiful and evil. If you've heard Puppetmaster Of Pandemonium, you'll probably be surprised - in a good way.

We've streched the opposites even further, and introduced plethora of new levels and elements in our dark craft. The melodies have grown fairer, the riffs stronger, the orchestrations bigger, and the mood even more bizarre but at the same time catchier. OLD MAN'S CHILD meets THE KOVENANT meets SWALLOW THE SUN meets ANGELO BADALAMENTI in a David Lynch movie.

Tune in for more updates."

More on the band at this location.

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