CHIMAIRA's Andols Herrick - "Drums Are Done (Thank God)"

October 25, 2008, 15 years ago

hot flashes news chimaira

CHIMAIRA drummer Andols Herrick has issued the following recording update:

"Hey everyone,

I finished tracking drums for the new record last night, and am quite relieved to be done. It was done in three days, with the first day was being half set-up and getting drum tones, and then hammering out four tracks that night. The last two days I did five songs per day.

I always try to up the ante on each record, and I think there is definitely some cool new ear candy on this one. I can’t say that its as dramatic as the difference between Impossibility and Resurrection, where its the first time I attempted some blast beats on a record. The differences here are a bit more subtle. I look forward to the feedback on what everyone thinks.

Well I’m off to the Garden State to spend some extended time with my girlfriend, her cats, and the local gym. It’ll be nice to not have anything to fret about, until my impending booze and pill ravaged flight halfway across the world next spring.


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