CONTRIVE Live In Bangkok; Photos Available

March 19, 2009, 15 years ago

hot flashes news contrive

Australia’s CONTRIVE recently returned from a successful run of dates in Bangkok, Thailand last month playing with Parkway Drive plus an appearance at the Demonster Festival.

You can now view various live shots of the band from the x4 shows they performed during their 1st ever tour of Thailand at the band's MySpace page.

News broke just days prior to the tour when Contrive bassist Tim Stahlmann suffered a broken collarbone sustained in a motorbike accident whilst holidaying Thailand before the tour was to commence.

The Haug brothers quickly enlisted the bass services of Greg Shaw from Adelaide’s TRUTH CORRODED and the tour went ahead.

Drummer Andrew Haug comments: “The tour was amazing, quite a whirlwind really, 4 shows in about 6 days, well worth it to play to enthusiastic punters in a country that many wouldn’t think a thriving scene actually exists. A huge horns up salute to Greg from Truth Corroded for filling in at such short notice and keeping the vibe cheerfully Metal ha. Tim is still slowly recovering and should be on the mend in the next few weeks so we can complete the writing of the new record. We aim to hit the studio sometime in June to record, more from us soon – Horns!"

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