January 22, 2006, 18 years ago

news rock hard james bond alice cooper

The following ALICE COOPER Q&A; session is courtesy of Josh Ferrin from Palm Springs, California's The Desert Sun

Q. I read somewhere you were hoping to play the bad guy in the new James Bond movie?

Cooper: "I just said I always wondered why they didn't put me in. When they need a consummate villain, I should play Blofeld's grandson. I always said the guy who plays his counterpoint should be a guy who is equal to him. This guy is the James Bond of the negative side, so they offset each other. It would be fun, like Sherlock Holmes and Moriarty. They are equally as smart as each other."

Q. Maybe they should have cast you?

Cooper: "Yeah, they will, maybe when I'm 90. I know they're not going to cast me as Moneypenny, unless they do the Brokeback Mountain version of it."

Q. There was a Muppet Show a few years ago where you bought Miss Piggy's soul?

Cooper: "That was fun to do. The Muppet Show was fun to do. Everyone was doing the Muppet Show. Peter Sellers did it the week after I did, John Cleese just did it, Vincent Price. I figured I should do this show. Besides, you get immediate credibility with your kids. My kids were really young then."

Q. What did you do with Miss Piggy’s soul?

Cooper: "No, actually, I was trying to get Kermit’s. It was the Halloween show, so it was a Faust thing, where I was trying to get him to sell his soul to be a rock star, and there was this phone. We kept getting this phone call, ’I know, I know. Don’t worry, I’m on the case.’ But it was really funny, how they did it was very funny."

Q. In your stage show, you went from BRITNEY SPEARS on the guillotine to Paris Hilton.

Cooper: "Paris Hilton just deserved it more, I thought. Britney was having a baby, getting married, she had enough problems. Who walks right into our satirical sights was Paris Hilton. We figured Alice could not let that go. There’s so much social satire in that. The same girl who played Britney, plays Paris now, my daughter, Calico, who is an actress. She plays it to the hilt. It’s the funniest thing you’ve ever seen. She comes out with a little Chihuahua, then the Chihuahua grabs her throat and rips her throat out and blood squirts all over the audience. The funniest thing about it is the fact that nobody helps her. The press is on stage, just standing around, taking pictures while she’s getting her throat ripped out. … All the roadies are dressed like paparazzi. They would much rather take pictures of her getting her throat ripped out than help her out."

Q. Who else would you like to get on your guillotine?

Cooper: "Lindsay Lohan is getting close. I give way too much respect to Angelina Jolie. It’s the ones who are in the paper every day that you are starting to finally say, enough. Courtney Love was like that for a while, where it doesn’t matter what they do. Paris Hilton is in that perfect spot right now. I understand she has a great sense of humor, so I don’t think she’ll mind. We don’t do anything derogatory to her. We just kind of animate who she is and make it, well it’s already absurd, but we make it more absurd."

Q. I read your kids say 'How can you rebel against your dad when your dad is the coolest guy in the room?'

Cooper: "That's true. When you got me as a dad, it's tough to rebel. What are you going to do? Wear blue lipstick? I did that. Spike your hair out and put white makeup on? Yeah, that's old school. So what they would do to rebel on me is they go Country-Western on me. My daughter would say, "Listen to this, GARTH's new album."

Q. She hasn’t yet, has she?

Cooper: "Not yet, but she will. When she reads this article she will. My son has got his own band. It’s so funny 16-, 17- 18-year old kid, alls he listens to is classic rock. So that’s the coolest thing in the world. We listen to the same music. Even though he does listen to the newer bands and so do I. He’ll say listen to these guys, and I’ll go to him and tell him where the roots of that sounds from. It’s all retro. Everything is. Nothing out there is really … it’s rock n roll. There are only so many chords. Everybody’s going to be a little piece of a lot of different bands. THE BEATLES were the EVERLY BROTHERS, BUDDY HOLLY, CHUCK BERRY all mixed up. THE STONES were all blues. Every body is just a conglomerate of different sounds."

Q. How do you like golfing with other musicians?

Cooper: "It's great because you have a lot of down time, so everybody's talking about what they did last year. We've all been to the same venues, the same hotels. There's a lot in common with musicians. But basically, we're talking about golf."

Q. What about your radio show?

Cooper: "It’s 100 cities, five hours, classic rock, but I play all the stuff that’s not on the play list. I get to play all the stuff other people don’t. I play FRANK ZAPPA AND THE MOTHERS OF INVENTION, IGGY AND THE STOOGES, MC 5, and I play AC/DC and all the other cuts. I play the deeper cuts. I find the cuts no one ever plays on the radio. I go, everybody loves classic rock, but they keep giving you the diet of the same 45 songs. What about some of the other stuff. You like LED ZEPPELIN? OK, here’s a song that’s not 'Stairway To Heaven'."

Q. Which of the new artists do you like?

Cooper: "I think THE KILLERS are a good band, even though they're retro 80s, THE STROKES, THE VINES, and THE WHITE STRIPES. KAISER CHIEFS. What I like, there's an awful lot of new garage bands that really sound like garage bands, like little rock 'n' roll bands coming out of the garage that's just very simple. That's great."

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