CRADLE OF FILTH Frontman Checks In From The Studio

June 23, 2008, 16 years ago

news life in black cradle of filth

CRADLE OF FILTH frontman Dani Filth has issued the following studio update for The Order Of The Dragon fanclub. It is dated June 13th.

"Dear unrepentant children of the night,

Greeting once again from the verdant bowers of Ambergate, Derbyshire and the recording studio we call home sweet home and Sneapy Hollow.

Dani here once again to fill you in on everything filthy from the production of our new album, which, as it stands, still remains untitled! There are obviously a huge amount of possible candidates floating about, from the mildly ridiculous to the obviously mediocre, our favourites being The Lesser Known Adventures Of Gilles De Rais And The Squid People, Go-Go Gothic Binoculars, and Finger Tits amongst others, not one fully encapsulating the brutal musical scale of this record quite yet. Still, there a couple of weeks left to go, so who knows what will befall our ever-tentacular creation?

Everything else recording-wise has been finished bar vocals for two songs that will undoubtedly see the light of day far after the album's release (possibly on film soundtracks which always seem to require non-album tracks). This also includes the addition of all-female choir sections and an additional Swedish male opera singer, as well as my daughter Luna contributing poetical lines to the song 'Darkness Incarnate'.

The mix is well on its way toward completion, we'll finish one by the end of this week and then retire our separate ways for a well-deserved week at home, the premise being to return a week later to re-evaluate and complete it fully (with the intermittent narrative being not-so-lightly sprinkled on the top - well, it is 'Candyman' voicing it after all).

Several journalists have also paid us visits, one, a good friend of ours ended up singing yokel Karaoke on a night out after drinking too much Pedigree, Gin and Guinness. Still, he had a great time and (at least before we all started singing 'Delilah' with our trousers down) said journalist loved the album, half-finished mix or not. Which is nice.

Now comes the time of video conceptualising and rehearsals, artwork assembly and heavy press schedules in Europe and America, working our arses off to bring the braying beast to life. Phew! No rest for the wicked I say.

So without further ado, I bid you farewell until the album is finished. Next time we will converse will be a week from now."

All the best, your fiend,

Dani Filth

Previous studio updates can be found at this location.


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