CRADLE OF FILTH - New Interview with Bassist Dave Pybus

August 13, 2008, 16 years ago

news life in black cradle of filth recently conducted an interview with CRADLE OF FILTH bassist Dave Pybus regarding the band's forthcoming effort entitled Godspeed On The Devil's Thunder, amongst other topics . An excerpt follows: how is the new Cradle of Filth album coming along?

Pybus: "Its gone very well. It's pretty stress-free compared to past records where we'd been in there for months and gone over time and budget. Martin [Skaroupka ] is very aggressive - our new drummer - and he's only 25 so he's really pushed the album on the aggression side of it; he's a real asset to the band right now. It's just basically Dani and Paul [ Allender ] writing the music, the lyrics, everything. We've all had ideas, but 99-percent of it is kind of Paul's baby now. And in that way he's probably stressed out, but there aren't five people around him all stressed out. We're trying to stick to deadline and budget, and for the first time in a long time trying to deliver on time. It's very stressful, Rob will surely tell you. It's about 95 percent done when we get to the studio there's no way we're going to pay 600 pounds a day when we're still scratching our heads wondering what should come next. But to be honest it's never finished until it's finished. Things can get changed last minute, you can drop a lead guitar part, you can add sing-over parts. It's recorded right up until the mastering. Even though it's like skeletons there it's still getting flushed out every day. We're not close minded; you have to be sort of flexible." With this upcoming release being Pybus' fourth with Cradle of Filth, has he yet gotten used to the criticism the band receives for their evil and extreme image?

Pybus: "It depends what they're saying. You either get angry towards it or you find it funny, it depends what kind of mood you're in I guess. We're not a very good band to go around getting offended when we've got the 'Jesus Is a Cunt' shirt - there are laws against that now; there are certain things you can definitely not get away with. If we went to the merchandise company and said 'This is the t-shirt that we're going to sell,' I'm not sure if they would just refuse it, but it was done years ago when we didn't have anyone telling us what to do. I wasn't in the band back then but I remember it coming out and causing a bit of a fuss."

Head to this location to read the interview in its entirety.

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