CRIONICS Recovering From Same Accident That Took Life Of DECAPITATED Drummer

November 2, 2007, 16 years ago

hot flashes news crionics decapitated

Candlelight Records is reporting:

Members of CRIONICS face their own recovery stemming from the accident that claimed the life of their friend Witold "Vitek" Kieltyka (DECAPITATED) on November 1. Reported to Candlelight Records earlier today (November 2nd), Crionic's sustained broken bones and lacerations in the bus collision that took place near Gomel three days ago. Vocalist/guitarist War-an noted "our drummer has a broken jaw, our keyboard player injuries to his wrist and I'm suffering from rib injuries," said War-an via email. "Covan from Decapitated is better as of today but is still in serious condition."

Candlelight Records sends heartfelt condolences to the family of Witold Kieltyka in this most tragic loss and wish a speedy recovery to all who have been involved in the events of this week.

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