DAATH - Ozzfest Is "The Most Intense Rush"

July 20, 2007, 17 years ago

hot flashes news daath

DAATH guitarist/synth player Eyal Levi has issued the following Ozzfest road report:

"I'm sitting here in Portland, Oregon. We have two days off which is altogether too much for me. I absolutely hate more than one day off in a row and more than one day off every week and a half. I'm out here to fucking play. That said, the weather here is pleasant, the scenery is gorgeous, everyone knows the weed on the west coast is the best and so all in all this is about as chill as an environment as I could hope for on a day off.

Anyways onto business… Two Ozzfests and one offdate with Nile and Cthonic down. People were wondering how this year's free fest would go down but with an average draw of 35,000 people I would say that things are going well for Ozzfest. As far as Daath goes these have been the two largest shows we have ever played. The biggest prior to this was 1100 people with Job For A Cowboy in San Antonio, Texas but there's no telling how many times bigger these shows are. All I know is I've looked out into the crowd and devil horns spanning back past the soundbooth is a great site to see. These people are ready for extreme music. About as ready as the bands are for the five minute changeover. Playing the second stage is a fucking rush! From the moment the band before us is done it's go go go time. There's like 20 people onstage yelling and moving gear and we literally have five minutes to be completely set up and ready to play. How the fuck is a band supposed to be completely set up and ready to rock thousands of people in five minutes flat? It seems impossible but everyone is getting it done. From start to finish the second stage show experience is like a whirlwind. It's the most intense rush and then it's over.

So far I've seen some things in the audience that make me happy. Huge pits, crowd surfers, lots of headbanging, and in general a bunch of crazy motherfuckers throwing down. I'm sure most of you know that we have a contest running where you can upload footage from your mobile phone to YouTube and we'll pick our favorite one at the end of Ozzfest and give you some free shit. Well, we have one that's in the lead. It's the crowd surfing trash can. I was watching that happen from the stage laughing to myself that it was fuckin' classic. It's great that someone actually captured that and uploaded it. The only thing that would be better than that would be if you guys invited about seven more trash cans to crowd surf. Think about it…

Well that's it for now. Got to catch some sleep before our 5am load in.


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