DARK FORTRESS Complete Line-Up

August 23, 2007, 17 years ago

news life in black dark fortress

German black metal outfit DARK FORTRESS has finally completed its search for a new vocalist after Azathoth left the band earlier this year! The band comments as follows:

“After receiving various applications we finally decided to recruit Morean of progressive death/thrashers NONEUCLID as our new vocalist. Morean already appeared on Séance as the composer of the piece 'Incide' and the arranger of the string section used in the song 'While They Sleep'. Our decision is based on his immense musical and vocal abilities, his personage and dedication to extreme and dark music. He will be responsible for the lyrical concept of the forthcoming album, which will be completely finished by the end of October. Expect a world-wide release via Century Media Records in early 2008, followed by increased live activities.”

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