DEE SNIDER Inks Book Deal; Continues Work On Dee Does Broadway Album

August 14, 2011, 13 years ago

news rock hard dee snider

Pat Prince from Goldmine Magazine spoke with TWISTED SISTER frontman Dee Snider recently about a number of topics. A few excerpts from the chat follow:

Goldmine Magazine: So You Can’t Stop Rock and Roll is your favorite album?

Snider: "Yeah, You Can’t Stop Rock and Roll is my favorite. Of course, I wrote all of them so I love them all, but it was the most enjoyable recording experience. It’s us embracing the studio experience … not just the experience, the sound. It’s a different kind of sound. We just didn’t come in and lay down songs like we did in the bars, literally live, which we did with “Under the Blade” for the most part. I mean, we were laying down tracks in a bar. Again, there’s certainly a charm to that. And (on “You Can’t Stop Rock and Roll”) we were happy with the producer, Stuart Epps. He was doing what a producer really should do, I feel, and that is sort of becoming an additional member of the band. Helping the band achieve what they want to achieve, not what he wants to achieve, while still bringing his opinion to the table. With Stay Hungry, we were assigned the producer Tom Werman, someone who didn’t get us, didn’t appreciate us, someone we had to beg to put 'We’re Not Gonna Take It' and 'I Wanna to Rock' on the record because he didn’t want them on the record. He didn’t think they were good enough. I literally begged him, had to sell him. It was a constant battle with Tom Werman, to protect the band and keep some truth to who we were, it was a constant fight with him. But on You Can’t Stop Rock and Roll, we were in there working with Stuart Epps, the band was in a great studio environment, we were never closer as a band, it was just an amazing experience, amazing recording. A very positive experience."

Goldmine Magazine: Do you still listen to vinyl? Do you still have all the Twisted albums - the EP, the singles, the original issues - on vinyl?

Snider: "No, no, I’m not a vinyl guy. I don’t have a stereo. I’ve got an iPod and I’ve got an intercom system in the house that has a CD player in it - which I don’t ever use except for Christmas music. I don’t listen to music too much. Like I said, I’m working on a gazillion other things and there’s too much noise going on in my head. People say, “How can you sit here in silence?’ and I say, ‘I’m not in silence. There is so much noise in my head.’

But I saved all the old stuff. I don’t fanatically collect my own stuff. I’m proud of my past, very proud, I have no regrets - maybe a regret here and there, some things I would have done differently - but I’m not one of those people who looks back and goes I’m embarrassed by my past.

Right now I just signed a book deal with Simon & Schuster and I’m in the middle of writing my book. The talk is to release it this Fall. Right now it looks like it’s going to be about the rise and fall of Dee Snider. Basically, how I wanted be a rock star, what it took to get there, my struggle and then ultimately taking a tremendous fall, a devastating fall. Obviously I’ve come back from it but I think people will take inspiration from it. It’s inspiring and it’s a cautionary tale. So I’m working on that.

And I’ve signed on to do a new record. I’ll preface this by saying, no, its not metal. It’s called Dee Does Broadway. I’m taking Broadway show tunes and I’m making them rock. It’s sort of a Twisted Christmas taken to Broadway. But there are some pretty metallic moments there, I’ll tell you. Sweeney Todd translates into a metal song amazingly — bass, drums, guitar — so some of the songs are really metallic, but it’s a rock record. I’m doing it as a solo artist. I’m working on that."

Read the entire interview here.

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