DEEP PURPLE Guitarist Steve Morse - "The Amount Of Time We Spend On The Road Has Been The One Thing That Stresses Me Out More Than Anything Else"

September 26, 2007, 17 years ago

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An new Q&A; with DEEP PURPLE guitarist Steve Morse is available at their official site here. Here are a few excerpts:

Q: Do you ever find yourself in a rut with your guitar playing? Any tips for getting out of it and finding new sources of creativity?

Steve Morse: "Yes, we all get into ruts. The best way out is to change your point of view. If you're used to playing by yourself, jam with some musicians, or make some backing tracks. If you're used to playing in box patterns, challenge yourself to play for 15 minutes only using, say, the 3rd and 4th strings, which will force you to move up and down the neck eventually. Or pick up a different guitar, acoustic to electric, or vice versa. Try exercises such as only playing 2 bar phrases, or only playing variations on a particular melody. If you change your point of view by changing the circumstances, you will open up your creativity."

Q: It is quite amazing to see how much Deep Purple has been touring in the past decade. I was wondering if it became some sort of (good) addiction to perform and being always on the road. Don't you feel like sometimes you and the rest of the band should spend more time writing new material. I really enjoy each concert I see, but on the other hand I miss having new recordings.

Steve Morse: "The amount of time we spend on the road has been the one thing that stresses me out more than anything else. On the one hand, I love the band, and it's just fun to play with them. On the other hand, I really miss my family, and the home time. I also wish I could have a big chunk of time off to do a project with my band. But.........reality is what you get. The band is at a great point in their career with opportunities everywhere, and I'm the only one wishing for more time at home! Also speaking of reality, it may be different for huge pop stars, but recordings don't feed my kids, it's the tours. Bottom line is that I really like being part of Purple and right now the majority votes to stay on the road a lot! So, I keep my bag packed and make every day at home important!"

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