DEF LEPPARD Singer To Hold Official DOWN N OUTZ Beer Launch Next Week

September 18, 2010, 14 years ago

down news outz rock hard def leppard

According to DEF LEPPARD's official website, a more spectacular launch party for singer Joe Elliott's DOWN N OUTZ beer brand will take place on September 21st at the Rock Garden at Porterhouse North (Crossguns Bridge, Glasnevin, Dublin). The evening including a performance by Elliott's Down N' Outz band. Doors are at 8:30PM and a limited number of tickets are available to the public (£20 each, only available on the day, with proceeds going to the RSPCC).

Commenting on the launch, Elliott stated: “Over the years I’ve noticed a lot of musicians putting their names to a variety of wines etc which, as nice as a glass of red or white is, well, it’s not very rock and roll, is it??!! Beer or lager seem to be the drink of choice at nearly every gig I’ve ever played or attended, so for me it’s a much cooler thing to do. Having seen how The Porterhouse put quality over quantity, I’m extremely happy to get involved with Oliver and his gang.” Based on the lagers of central Europe, the beer is a pilsner style with both flavour and aroma. An alternative to many of the mass-produced beers, this has a deep, rich malt character, with generous hop bitterness. Crisp in flavour, the beer is balanced by a well-developed hop aroma, created by generous additions of German Hallertau Perle and Hallertau Hersbrucker. A minimum of six weeks maturation prior to packaging lend a smoothness and fullness unavailable in other similar beers. With an ABV of 5% the beer will retail at £3.70."

Additionally, Elliott also found the time (about two days a week!) to remix some THIN LIZZY songs with (Lizzy guitarist) Scott Gorham and (Leppard sound guru) Ronan McHugh, for upcoming deluxe re-releases of classic Thin Lizzy albums, due out early next year.

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