DETONATION Guitarist Issues 2008 Recap, 2009 Outlook

January 6, 2009, 15 years ago

hot flashes news detonation

Netherlands-based death thrashers DETONATION have issued the following update from guitarist Mike Ferguson:

"Never has there been a year that has changed my life or the band as drastically as 2008.

For me personally 2008 was the most bizarre year of my life. It was a whirlwind of change, ranging from the highest of highs to the lowest of lows. I'll recap the year chronologically not necessarily in order of importance.

In February we had our first two gigs outside of Europe. We got the offer to play two Festivals in India. After some negotiating we decided to jump on this offer because when ever are you going to get another chance to go see India let alone play there, probably never. The trip was a huge success and we had a lot of fun. The gigs were good, the crowds rock, but for me personally the highlight was seeing the culture (the traffic or should I say demolition derby) and just how nice all the people are. They take pride in taking care of there guests.

In March we had some band meetings and decided it was time for some change. We did not know what kind of change but something had to happen. Half way through March Koen decided that he rather not play guitar anymore and just concentrate on his vocals. After talking about it and agreeing that he would always keep writing music, because his riffs and melodies are a vital part of the Detonation sound, we agreed that this might be the change that we need. I actually saw Koen a few weeks before singing a song with After Forever Live in the 013 In Tilburg and thought to myself he should always do this. His stage presence is huge as a vocalist, while you are really stuck to your microphone if you also play guitar and sing. And his voice has gotten a lot better. So in every aspect it was the right move to make. So now we had to find a guitarist that would take over Koen's parts.

I had only one guitarist in mind. We already knew Danny Tunker from a U.K. tour we did with FUELBLOODED and were all in agreement that he was a great player and a cool guy. So we phoned him up about half an hour after Koen said he didn't want to play guitar anymore and asked him to join. I guess he wanted to because he's been playing all the gigs and has been practising with us since March.

I guess we were hoping that our new blood in the band would relieve the tensions a bit, but this was not the case. The main cause of tension was our old drummer and co-founder of Detonation, Thomas. I have had problems with Thomas since we first started the band as I am sure he had problems with me. We would but heads every once in while and argue it out. After that it would be good for a couple of weeks and then something else would happen. But what you're going to do, that's what you get with two people with strong opinions. We had a lot of good times as well but I could not tell you which one out weights the other. I could let it go for the sake of the band. But after a while it starts to wear you down till it got so bad that I didn't want to practice anymore. I knew Otto was feeling the same way and Koen, although being the peace keeper in the past, was not having as much fun as he used to. It just was not working musically either. I've always put aside my personal problems for the music but when that isn't happening on a level where it should be it's very difficult to keep motivated. So contrary to what the press statement said (don't feel the need to lie for no one) we decided for the sake of the band that it would be better to part ways. This was obviously a difficult time, after playing together for 10 years it's not easy to say it's not working out.

So now we had to find a new drummer which we knew would not be easy because a lot of the stuff we play can be a bit challenging. We auditioned a couple of guys and they weren't bad but I did not feel like waiting months for someone to learn the stuff. I wanted someone right away. So we heard that Prostitute Disfigurement called it quits and we new after listening to some of their stuff that Michiel would be able to pick up our songs fairly quickly. First of we contacted him to ask if he would help us out for the gigs we had planned. He agreed to this which was a fucking relief, because if he didn't want to do it we would have had to cancel some gigs. After the first band rehearsal with Michiel it was obvious that he was the right man for the job. Great drummer and all around cool dude. So after a couple of gigs we told him that he had to stay or he would never play the drums again. Being a smart guy he agreed. Seriously, we told him that he was more than welcome to stay as a permanent member if he liked. And he did, so cool.

Around this time the worst thing that ever happened in my life happened. My Father Died. During all this stuff that was happening with the band my father was in a hospital fighting for his life with a bad heart. On the second of June he could not fight anymore and passed on. I guess it was pretty hopeless waiting for a transplant while the waiting list is damn near 1,5 years while he was just on for 2 or 3 months, but what do you have if you don't have hope. His death came pretty sudden for us. We were all packed to go to a Hospital in Germany to get a heart pump installed, as something to keep him alive till the transplant, when we got the call at 04:00 that we had to come to the hospital immediately. When we got there he was already gone. I miss him very much.

On the lighter side of this situation (if there can be one): on my frequent trips to the hospital I met my new girlfriend Chantal. Hey Baby, I can't imagine being with anyone else anymore.

What are you going to do but to pick up the pieces and go on with your life as best as you can.

I knew we had a very strong line up with the band. We got the set together and played some really good shows in Germany, Czech Republic, France and Holland where we opened on three separate gigs for CYNIC, ENTOMBED and GOREFEST. We were playing tighter than tight and were having a lot fun just messing around. After this gig run we decided to take it easy with finding new gigs (not that we aren't playing them if they get offered) because we wanted to start writing for the new album. We've got about six songs done now and they sound fucking brutal. With the influences of our new band members we can do things that weren't possible in the past. Everything sounds heavier, faster and most of all meaner. No more happy melodies for me. I'm not the happiest dude around when it comes to world vision and have a very bleak outlook on our society which I share with Koen. And I'm going to let it show. With every new riff I write I'm spewing my hate and disgust. So get ready for some sick shit!! I'm seeing the past 10 years as a build up towards this moment and the best and most honest album that we have ever made.

Thanks to everyone for supporting us the last year and all the kind words on the condolence page."

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