DISGORGE - "Material Is Coming At A Slow Pace"

January 25, 2007, 17 years ago

hot flashes news disgorge

San Diego-based death metallers DISGORGE have issued the following update:

“Word’s got around that we’re calling it quits, or Ricky’s quitting the band… fortunately for our fans’ piece of mind is that none of it’s true…. There’s things going on, but don’t chat forum yourselves into nostalgia, thinking the worst!!! What is true is that Ben has undergone treatments for cancer, and will be finished early February if the chemo zaps that shit out of him completely. Ben has been pretty positive about the doc's speculations, and we as his bandmates and friends are crossing our fingers for his speedy recovery…. Ricky HAS moved to Texas and IS playing in SARCOLYTIC with IMAGES OF VIOLENCE vokillist and Disgorge album cover artist JonZig, but 16 years as the sole founding member of Disgorge, he is not letting go of that title at all whatsoever! The rest of us have all been taking care of some personal expenses from previous tours and other monetary related issues within each band member so we can continue to keep doing what we do best whilst keeping a roof over our heads, food in our guts, and maintaining vehicles to get around….. We do expect the next CD to be finished recording by late this year/ early next year…. So, with that said, be patient fans and friends. Material is coming at a slow pace, mostly because of certain personal situations abroad Disgorge, but we assure you that once our personal routines in numerous aspects come into play, then so will fitting a full focused uninterrupted practice and writing schedule. Thank you for your concerns and indefinite patience and support!!! Forum goers, go ahead and repost blog, or the url to this blog……”

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