DREAM THEATER's James LaBrie, John Petrucci, Jordan Rudess Comment On Departure Of Mike Portnoy

September 10, 2010, 14 years ago

hot flashes news dream theater

DREAM THEATER singer James LaBrie, guitarist John Petrucci, and keyboardist Jordan Rudess have issued the following statements in the wake of the earthshattering news that drummer Mike Portnoy has elected to leave the band:

James LaBrie: "Thought I would give you time to digest the news of Mike's departure. MIke stated that he was burnt out with the DT world and needed a break. We have to respect where he is at and where this will lead him at this particular point in time. With that being said, we are more than pumped to continue the legacy of DT and jump full on into the next chapter. Rest assured it will be great. You can count on it. On another positive note. Matt and I are psyched with the reaction and reviews 'Static Impulse is receiving around the world. We can't wait until everyone can get their hands on the complete disc. and hear it the way it was intended.

I will be around more often to see how you're all doing and to fill you with any and all news. Take care and not long now until the 27th or 28th depending on where you live. Kick it up a notch."

John Petrucci: "Obviously you've all heard the news of Mike's departure from Dream Theater by now. I felt it important to open up a line of communication in an effort to kill any rumors and to promote clarity. I love Mike and really hope he's happy and successful in whatever he does. I realize that Mike was always the one to actively stay in touch with our fans, and I just wanted to let you know that I'm going to try to be at least a bit more present on both mine and DT's websites and to let you all know that I am here. To me, Dream Theater's story is one of defying the odds, standing for true integrity in music and creating our own success through perseverance and hard work, so although Mike's leaving is heartbreaking, I still look forward to an amazing musical journey that continues on with some of the most talented and respected musicians and composers on the planet!

Jordan Rudess:

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