Drummer Brent Smedley - "How I Got Into ICED EARTH Is A Rather Interesting Story"

September 4, 2007, 17 years ago

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ICED EARTH drummer Brent Smedley was interview by Adam Ortiz of Loucifer Speaks recently about a number of topics. A few excerpts follow:

Ortiz: How did you get into Iced Earth?

Smedley: "How I got into Iced Earth is a rather interesting story. It goes something like this...I had heard of Iced Earth and seen an ad for Century Media records (the bands record label at the time) in a magazine. I sent for a free catalog for CM. A few days after the catalog arrived I received a Century Media sampler Cd which had one song from most of their top bands on it. I believe it was the 2nd Cm sampler they made. Anyhow the Cd had the song 'Last December' on it. I liked the song so much that I put the intro from it on my answering machine. I was referred to the band by a mutual friend by the name of Steve Woodham from Alabama. So when Jon Schaffer called me to ask me about auditioning he heard his song on my answering machine...I"ll never forget that message. It seemed it was fate for me to play in Iced Earth. I was the next to the last person to audition, they had me play 'Last December' and 'Dante's Inferno'. The rest as they say is history."

Ortiz: The promo version of Framing Armageddon was leaked some time ago. How do you feel about people downloading albums before they are officially released?

Smedley: "As to how I feel about downloading of music. I think it is a crime and a shame that so much theft of music goes on today. If you were a master painter would you give your paintings away? Or a builder, would you build your homes or offices for free? Downloading has reduced the music industry by 20%. I think it is one of the biggest problems facing the Music business in modern times."

Ortiz: Do you have formal training, as in did you study at institutions and clinics?

Smedley: "I took 4 and a half years of private drum lessons, a year and a half of Marimba lessons (a mallet percussion instrument), I played in school band my last 4 years of high school including marching band, symphonic band, percussion ensemble, and jazz band. I also studied music at the University Of North Florida, taking Drumset and Percussion lessons, and Percussion ensemble.

Ortiz: Do you have any goals that you want to accomplish with the band now?

Smedley: "Goals I wish to accomplish with the band would consist of making the best records we can possibly make, giving the best live shows we can and staying true to ourselves, the music we love to play, and to stay true to the fans."

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