January 24, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news dysrhythmia

Philadelphia's DYSRHYTHMIA have issued the following update:

"Upcoming shows for Baltimore, MD and Endicott, NY in March and April have been added to the live page. A few more will confirm soon as well. In other news, all three of us have been very busy outside of Dysrhythmia recently. Jeff (Eber - drums) has a new band called ZEVIOUS which you can find out more about here. Colin (Marston - bass) has another new band which features the amazing Mick Barr and is yet to be named, but they'll be releasing something later this year that is sure to be intense. I (Kevin Hufnagel - guitar) just finished up recording my guitar tracks for the upcoming Jarboe solo album (which Colin is recording here at the Menegroth studio in Queens). I've also started recording a solo guitar record which will be entirely acoustic. I'm hoping to have this out sometime later in the year and also play some shows/tour as well. In Dysrhythmia news, we're about a little more than half-way through writing the next record. Depending on long the last few songs take to write we could be back in the studio again by summer. Onward and upward."

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