EMBRYONIC DEVOURMENT In Final Stages For Vivid Enterpretations Of The Void

October 8, 2009, 15 years ago

hot flashes news embryonic devourment

California technical death/grind four-piece EMBRYONIC DEVOURMENT are in the final stages of their next full-length album titled, Vivid Enterpretations Of The Void.

The follow-up to their Fear Of Reality Exceeds Fantasy 2007 debut, Vivid Enterpretations Of The Void is based the Reptilian Agenda, a theory researched, written and spoken about extensively by British author/reporter/former pro football player David Icke for well over a decade.

"This is basically our whole theme and platform for the new release; the theory that a reptillian race controls our world," elaborates bassist/vocalist Austin Spence.

"The reptilians need the menstrual blood of a virgin in order to keep their human form. These are the same gods that the Aztecs and Egyptians weren't allowed to depict. The reptilians go by their their name 'Chitauri' which means 'the talkers.' They have been in control of our world and many others for thousands of years. The Aztecs predicted the human harvest for 2012... we'll see what happens, eh?"

Further info on Vivid Enterpretations Of The Void (including official release date) coming soon.

The band's video for 'Human Harvest' (off Fear of Reality Exceeds Fantasy) can be seen below.

Check out the songs 'Fear Of Reality', 'Beheaded By Volition', 'Woulded And Keelhauled' and 'Mutiny' at the band's MySpace page..

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