EMPEROR Fan Photos Wanted

June 17, 2008, 16 years ago

news life in black emperor

Norwegian black metallers EMPEROR have issued the following:

"Listen up Emperor fans!

Emperor is currently looking for photo material from the live reunion period! Either Emperor live on stage, or of yourself or your friends posing with any of the Emperor members.

Photographs are being collected for possible use in artwork for upcoming live recordings (to be announced!).

If you have in your possession any such material, please email LOW RESOLUTION files to the address below. Material will be reviewed, and if material is to be used, we will need 300 DPI files at a later point.

eclipse@online.no (Please subject the email as "EMPEROR PHOTOS")."

As previously reported, Emperor recently updated their MySpace page with their 'I Am The Black Wizards' (Emperor Inhale Blacksmoke Remix). Remix and additional production by The Blacksmoke Organisation. Recorded at The Blacksmoke Workshop, England. Check it out at this location.

Says the band, "Love it, hate it, whatever... It's just a remix..."

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