EUDAIMONY - Present/Former Members DARK FORTRESS, NAGLFAR, SECRETS OF THE MOON Reveal New Album Details

April 23, 2013, 11 years ago

secrets of the moon hot flashes naglfar news eudaimony dark fortress

With a line up that consists of Matthias Jell (ex-DARK FORTRESS) on vocals, Marcus E. Norman (NAGLFAR, BEWITCHED, HAVAYOTH, ANCIENT WISDOM) on guitars, Jörg Heemann (SECRETS OF THE MOON) on drums and Peter Honsalek (NACHTREICH) on viola and piano, it was obvious right from the start that EUDAIMONY was a band that was going to be able to offer not just music from vastly experienced musicians, but music from musicians whose individual bodies of work command respect.

With the members living in Germany and Sweden, recording began in March 2013 in separate studios. Heeman recording his drums at the NekroWerk Studio in Germany, and Jell, also in Germany, laying down his vocals at the Klangschmiede Studio E; whilst Norman and Honsalek recorded their instrumental parts in their home studios. Mixing and mastering is taking place at the Klangschmiede Studio E during April, with Markus Stock (EMPYRIUM, THE VISION BLEAK) at the helm. It is anticipated that the album, which will be titled Futile, will be released during the autumn of this year. Artwork for Futile is by Ben Borucki (SONIC REIGN). ANTIMATTER’s Mick Moss will be performing guest vocals.

Commenting both on the album and on the band itself, frontman Jell had this to say: “We’ve seen Eudaimony tagged as black metal and depressive black metal, and I suppose it’s inevitable given the background of the members. But we can’t stress enough that Eudaimony has nothing at all to do with Black Metal or any of its myriad offshoots. Eudaimony is about emotional hopelessness and the bleakness that life has to offer. The title of the album itself is fairly indicative of the atmosphere we have chosen to create and the concept we have chosen to explore. The whole album deals with the futility of life. The visual and the lyrical concept have one main message in common: from the instant we draw our first breath we begin to die. Life has no sense except in death. All joy on earth is just an illusion until the curtain falls”.

More information about Eudaimony can be found on the band’s Facebook page here.

'A Window In The Attic', one of Eudaimony’s original promo tracks can be heard below:

< param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always">

< /object> Eudaimony- A window in the attic (Promo 2007) by Eudaimony

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