EVERGREY Issue New Studio Report

October 18, 2007, 16 years ago

hot flashes news evergrey

Sweden's EVERGREY have issued the following studio report from leader Tom S. Englund, via their new blog, The Grey Area:


After yesterday's computer problems we are now up and running and things are going great!

Jonas and Jari already laid down the basics on a couple of songs and man! do they sound great together!

Tomorrow I will start recording guitars on a track called 'Nothing Is Erased', a tricky little bitch of a song. So much to think of when playing that it will probably take me much more time to complete that track alone, than what it took for Jonas and Jari to complete a couple of tracks. But hey, no one said it should be easy ; ).

Henrik’s at home composing some new stuff in his home studio but he will be here tomorrow.

The recording of this album will probably also be a DVD with an in-depth look on how the whole recording went. With all the fuck-ups , conversations etc, it’s not going to be “some kind of monster” since we dont have the fundings, but nevertheless. More on that later.

Also, as you probably understand the album won’t be out this year as expected, primarily cause of the reason that we have yet to decide on a label that we feel will fullfill our needs and demands but dont worry we are still in negotiations with a couple.

Well that’s all for now."

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