EVILE Guitarist Checks In From His Hospital Bed

November 22, 2008, 15 years ago

hot flashes news evile

As previously reported, Ol Drake, lead guitarist of UK thrashers EVILE, fractured his jaw on November 19th after the band's show in Rotterdam, Netherlands supporting SATYRICON. He checks in from the hospital:

"Hello from my bed.

Thank you for all the get well messages (even the guy who said we suck, you rule).

Want to start by saying a huge sorry to all the people wanting to see us play on the Satyricon tour, I couldn't be more pissed off. I'm the first person to oppose cancelling any gig or tour, unless it's completely necessary. My first worry wasn't even for my health, it was for the tour... And that my beard would be ok.

I literally can't stand up for longer than five minutes or I just feel like going back down (took four times to get the X-ray done). I did a highly medical thing called 'lose blood'. I wish I could have carried on the tour. No energy at all.

Will get myself checked, but I think I pretty much know why it happened:

During the Canadian tour I developed a really bad cold/infection (which Ben - drums - caught, putting him in hospital on our return), it got worse when we got home. It developed into a URTI (Upper Respiratory Tracht Infection) so I was put on medication for that. My system was pretty low but I carried on anyway.

With the long drives on this tour, and the vast boredom between shows, I basically slept all the time. When it came to eating, we didn't have much food but I ate what I could that we were given by venues. On top of that we didn't have too much money to buy food (most of it going to lots of petrol) so I was basically not eating enough. I've done enough gigs and tours and not eaten a lot, and physically got by, as the shows themselves are usually good excercise. But I think this time it just caught up with me at a bad time and said "you hit the floor now". I've broken one side of the top of my jaw, detaching a bone which holds the muscle in place. Therefore the muscle is pulling my jaw up on one side. I sound like Stephen Hawking when I talk. Also a bone deep gash on my chin.

I will have to just get myself into good health, as this was basically my own fault."

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