EXITSECT - New Act Features Members Of SIX FEET UNDER, OBITUARY And More

November 21, 2008, 15 years ago

hot flashes news six feet under obituary exitsect

EXITSECT are the new Tampa, Florida-based act featuring in it's lineup Paul Pavlovich (vocals - ASSUCK, TRACK THE CURSE), Greg Gall (drums - SIX FEET UNDER), Frank Watkins (bass - OBITUARY), Sam Williams (guitar - DOWN BY LAW, DENIAL FIEND, MASSACRE, PSEUDO HEROES), Joe Kiser (guitar - MURDER SUICIDE PACT, PAINEATER, SLAP OF REALITY) and Aleks Vasic (electronic ornamentation - KURSK - INFINITE).

A band description reads:

"Formed in 2008. Dark, experimental, atmospheric, doom-ridden death metal comprised of veterans of the metal and punk scenes.

Former and current members of Assuck, Obituary, Six Feet Under, Down By Law, Denial Fiend and Paineater create menacing, heavy tones with guttural vocals and dense, moody soundscapes.

Driving tempos are accompanied by thick guitars and electronic accents. With influences ranging from Neurosis, Winter, Amebix and Celtic Frost to Swans, Godflesh and Morbid Angel there is no clear future direction except gloomy and crushing. Sometimes saturnine, sometimes ambient, sometimes melodic and mid-paced... the goal is always overwhelming malaise."

Check out Exitsect at their MySpace page.

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