FASTWAY's "Fast" Eddie Clarke - "It Was Never The Same Since Pete Way Left"

November 22, 2011, 12 years ago

hot flashes news fastway

Greece's Rockpages recently conducted an interview with FASTWAY's "Fast" Eddie Clarke. In the interview Clarke talks about the band's latest album Eat Dog Eat and his relationship with Pete Way (UFO, ex-FASTWAY). Excerpts from the interview are below:

Q: The band, Fastway, we must say that you did a good run back in the ‘80s with the first album, but then I don’t think that the band continued at the same level, at least.

A: “After the first album it all got too political… differences in the band, Dave and I didn’t get on… things like that happen. And the record company wanted this and the management wanted something else, and it just all got lost! Actually, ever since Pete (Way) left before we recorded the first album, it was never the same. The band should have been Pete and me! So, when Pete left to join Ozzy it really took a lot out of me! I lost of my heart on it, and I never got it back… it was never the same. In fact, this one should have been our second album in a way. There is some good stuff on All Fired Up, don’t get me wrong, but it was hard work, you know? We were all ready not seeing Nigel White… things were already going wrong. So, this album is really for me like… it should have been our second album, it’s really where Fastway should have always been. This is how Fastway is, and it should have been what Fastway should have become, but we lost our way. I was drinking and we were doing this and doing that, falling out… the ‘80s were a bad time. It was a bad time for music as far as I am concerned, it was all the bullshit… the spare lite drums, and the drums this, and the drums that, and the Matt Lange’s and all that. It wasn’t good for rock music… for me personally, I found it really difficult.”

Q: Would you ever consider to ask Pete Way to join the band for a show?

A: “If he was around and wanted to get up on stage it would be great! I see Pete now and again, and we are good friends now. We always have been. So, any opportunity to play with Pete is always welcome, but we’ve never been in a band together, ‘cause he’s got a thing going on, and I’ve got a thing going on. I’d like to play with Pete sometime, it would be great!”

Read the entire interview at this location.

Fastway's Eat Dog Eat was released in Germany on November 11th and in Europe on November 14th.

Eat Dog Eat tracklisting:

'Deliver Me'

'Fade Out'

'Leave The Light On'

'Loving Fool ''

'Dead And Gone'

'Sick As A Dog'

'Freedom Song'

'Do You Believe'

'Love I Need'

'On And On'

Download Exclusive:

'Only If You Want It'

Check out the new song 'Leave The Light On' below:

The Making Of Eat Dog Eat video can be seen below:

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