FIFTH ANGEL Writing New Album; Seek Permanent Lead Vocalist

September 15, 2010, 13 years ago

hot flashes news fifth angel

Reunited after 20 years, Seattle-based metal band FIFTH ANGEL is currently in the writing stages of its as-yet-untitled third album, and is actively recruiting a permanent lead singer to complete its lineup.

Fifth Angel is seeking a lead vocalist in the style of its original singer, Ted Pilot, who fronted the band in its first incarnation. Preferably, the singer should be a male with exceptional vocal range and tonal qualities in a similar style found on Fifth Angel's two albums – Fifth Angel and Time Will Tell.

“We need someone that understands Fifth Angel is not going to be a gig where we hit the road without an end in sight,” guitarist Ed Archer explained. “We all have a passion for music, and this band is the perfect way to express musical thoughts and ideas, while maintaining our lives that we’ve established. This is an opportunity for anyone interested to create new music, play some festivals and have some fun.

Fifth Angel, which consists of Archer, bassist John Macko, guitarist Kendall Bechtel and drummer Jeffrey McCormack, performed for the first time as a band at the Keep it True Festival in Germany this past April, fronted by vocalist Peter Orullian. Due to his commitments as an author and other time constraints, however, Orullian will not be able to continue on with Fifth Angel, so the band is looking elsewhere.

“We really appreciate everything Peter did for us by stepping in, learning our songs in a very short period of time and delivering a killer set at the Keep it True Festival,” said Archer. “Peter is an amazing creative talent and his new book publishing deal will keep him busy. We all wish him the best of luck!”

Fifth Angel’s progress toward a new album was put on hold temporarily, as the band prepared to play the KIT Festival and was held up again this summer due to some personal challenges. But the band is fired up to finish writing a new album and to play live again.

“After KIT, there were a number of serious things on a personal level that caused a delay in our plans,” Archer said. “The good news is that we now have quite a number of new songs stockpiled with ideas continually popping up. We’re looking forward to continuing the creative process and finding the right voice for the band.

“The most perfect solution would be someone in the Seattle area,” the guitarist added. “But we’re open to all possibilities.”

If interested for Fifth Angel's vocalist role, please submit your contact information, MP3s (or links to samples of your singing) and promo photos to

For more on Fifth Angel, visit the band online at (official site), (official Facebook page), or (official authorized fan site).


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