Former DEEP PURPLE Keyboardist Sees "Tingling Strings In Denmark"

December 8, 2006, 17 years ago

news rock hard deep purple

The following report is courtesy of DEEP PURPLE fansite

Last night in Odense, Denmark, Jon Lord (former DEEP PURPLE keyboardist) witnessed an impressive performance of his piano concerto 'Boom Of The Tingling Strings’ performed by the ODENSE SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA conducted by Paul Mann and featuring Nelson Goerner on piano.

The near-sold out concert was a resounding success with a prolonged standing ovation, for which Jon Lord joined Mann, Goerner and the orchestra onstage. The full programme was the ouverture from Weber’s ‘Bride Of The Hunter’ (Jægerbruden), Jon Lord’s ‘Boom Of The Tingling Strings’ and Carl Nielsen’s ‘Symphony No. 4?.

After the concert, patrons were invited to a Q&A; session in the next-door Carl Nielsen Museum. Here orchestra manager Jesper Lützhøft introduced ‘the Mann and the Lord’ to an attentive crowd of around 60 people. Over glasses of red wine, Lord, Mann and Goerner answered questions about their music.

Paul Mann asked how many Deep Purple fans were in the crowd and remarked how loyal Deep Purple fans and rock in general are compared to fans of classical music. Jon Lord stressed how he doesn’t see his music as either or, as it is his ambition to break down as many musical barriers as possible.

At the end, Jon Lord signed autographs to fans young and older. This lady said how much she had loved the concert - but she’d never heard a Deep Purple record.

Look out for a more detailed report of the Q&A; session. For more photos head to this location.

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