Former EXODUS Frontman Steve "Zetro" Souza On HATRIOT - "The Music Is Pure Old School Thrash, But With The Energy Of The Younger Scene"

June 10, 2012, 12 years ago

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HATRIOT / former EXODUS Frontman Steve "Zetro" Souza is featured in a new interview with An excerpt is available below:

Q: You have a new band called Hatriot, formed during last year. What can you tell us about the group, its current activities and plans?

Souza: "Hatriot is my full-time thrash metal project. We have been working hard for a couple years now writing and perfecting our sound. The guys in the band are much younger, so they incorporate a lot of newer elements – such as blastbeats – into our sound. The music is pure old school thrash, but with the energy of the younger scene put into it. Right now Hatriot is shopping for a record deal and preparing to record our full length debut album. We have two good metal labels interested in the band, and we should have a deal signed this summer. From there we will record the album and go on tour. I can’t wait to see you all on the road!"

Q: The rest of Hatriot is mostly consisted of younger musicians. How did you choose the lineup and how is the band getting along?

Souza: "Yes, the band is composed of younger musicians and we all get along great. It is the best of both worlds. On one had the guys are younger and they are full of energy and aggression. They have something to prove and they are pissed off. On the other hand I am able to guide them because of my history in the music world. Plus I have already built a name in the business so it is easier to get people to pay attention to what we are doing. As for the lineup, I built the band around the amazing talents of my guitarist Kosta Varvatakis. I met Kosta a couple years ago at a show and we talked about metal for hours. He knows his shit! After I heard him play I knew I had to be in a band with this guy. He is of the same caliber as the big guys I have played with in the past – Gary Holt and Alex Skolnick. From there I hand-picked the other players based on their ability to lock with the music Kosta writes. Right now we have Miguel Esparza on second guitar, and my son, Cody Souza, on bass. We are searching for a full time drummer at this time."

Go to this location for the complete interview. Check out Hatriot's official website here.

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