GAIA EPICUS Mainman Thomas C. Hansen - Solo Release Still Delayed

February 26, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news gaia epicus

Thomas C. Hansen, mainman for Norwegian power metallers GAIA EPICUS, has issued the following update:


My solo album is still delayed until we have a solution regarding the bad work from Studio Underground. Since last time I posted any news they have made a master tape number 5, and was it without any errors? NO! and do they agree to give me back my money and pay for the damage and lost income? NO!!!

Studio Underground and Pelle Saether has acted highly unprofessional in this situation and said "No" to all my ideas for a best possible solution. Is Studio Underground simple thiefs? in my opinion YES!!!

It's now 4 months since the official release date of my album and I have paid alot of money on the mixing and printing of an album that I simply can not release.

6 months of problems, 1000 destroyed cd’s, received 5 bad master tapes, paying a lot of money, missed 4 release dates, done magazine add's wich now was totally pointless since we still have no album ready for sale. 4 months of lost income for sales.


- It seems to me that they never listen through and check their mixes/masters before sending it to their clients, since every time I listen to a new mix I can easily hear things that they can’t.
- Mastertape1 – here we have a volume fade down & fade up in the middle of a song. Is this possible? sad but true, yes!
- Mastertape2 – shipped to the factory with massive digital distortion on every tracks resulting in 1000 printed cd’s which had to be destroyed. (Studio Underground blamed it on Software error on the burning prog.)
- Mastertape3 – lots of noises everywhere in the songs.
- Mastertape4 – sound picture changed and sounds very muddy.
- Mastertape5 - sound picture back to normal but with distortion & also with sound errors. (things just change sound for 1-3 seconds in songs)

Does this sound like someone who check their work? NO!

- Things being changed on new mixes that I haven’t asked to be changed.
- Guitar solos and vocals disappearing.
- Drums appearing places where there has never been drums before.
- Song starting before the previous song has finished. ( on a Master tape )
- Drum sound changes in the middle of a few beats.
- And more…..

I have one of the best and most known metal mastering studios on my side, since they have checked out master tape number2. They told me that the mastering was just totally crap! Also the cd print factory agrees with me. I have had lawyers check out my problem and they all agree that i have the law and all rights on my side. Studio Underground is breaking the law!

If you should choose to use Studio Underground after reading this, make sure that you make a contract with them first and put as much details in it as possible. DO NOT pay them anything until you have a finished master cd that works, cause if you do and something happens the money you have paid will not return to you. Be smart, find another studio!

I have a small hope that Pelle & Studio Underground will follow the laws and don't become a simple criminal because he can't handle the job, but I guess it's to much to ask for."

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