GAMA BOMB Post "End Of Tour" Report

October 29, 2008, 15 years ago

hot flashes news gama bomb

Irish thrashers GAMA BOMB recently spent over a month storming their way across Europe on the Thrashing Like A Maniac tour along with LA shredders BONDED BY BLOOD and UK openers SWORN AMONGST.

After tearing it up in every corner of Europe, the bands are now home and have had some time to recover and to look back at their recent journey.

Frontman Philly Byrne comments on the tour: "We've finally reached the end of our European tour with Bonded By Blood and Sworn Amongst, which took in 34 shows in 11 countries, 40,000 miles on the clock in a tourbus with 18 people aboard, chugging through something like 180 litres of diesel over the course of five weeks and five days. Along the way there were torn ligaments, damaged vocal chords, a suspected broken ass bone, about 12 cases of the common cold, a few outbreaks of alcohol poisoning and more bruises, cuts, scrapes and mysterious injuries than we care to count.

We played in two haunted clubs, complete with a ghost that didn't want us to use the shower, a former Greek restaurant with murals of the Parthenon, a biker-controlled backstreet bar, a black metal meeting house, a classic car workshop, a converted slaughterhouse, dockside pubs, a couple of youth clubs, drug dens, shit holes and palaces too. We're not clear on how many guitar strings we used, but it pales in comparison to the amount of beers we drank. Also, we have no idea how many people we played to, but it was excellent all the same, as we're starting to meet people who wear our shirts to the show.


Read the full tour report on the band's MySpace blog.

Check out Gama Bomb stamping out inferior metal and destroying London with their track 'Hammer Slammer', below...

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